Mukul Laad

Mukul Laad

Theoretical Physics
2254 3254
mslaad @ imsc . res . in
404 New Building
Research Interests: 

Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics.  In particular,
(i) Strange metallicity and breakdown of perturbation theory near orbital/momentum selective Mott criticality, and its instabilities to novel order.
(ii) LDA+DMFT for d- and f-band correlated systems: half-metallicity, CDW in di- and trichalcogenides, superconductivity in Fe-arsenides, Dirac and Weyl semimetals.
(iii) Spin and Orbital liquids in lower dimensions D=1,2.  Novel ground states, and anomaous One- and two-particle dynamical responses.  Applcations to Josephson arrays and cavity-QED with an eye on physical realizations of qubit arrays for quantum computation.
(iv) Development of many-body tools for advanced electronic structure that incorporate short-range order in calculations of disordered alloys.  Interest in exploring Electrochemistry with modern many body techniques.
(v) Exact results:  Use of rigoorous inequalities.  Bethe anastz in novel settings in D=1. 


(i) B.Sc (Bombay Univ.), 1986.
(ii) M.Sc (IIT, Bombay), 1988.
(iii) Ph.D (IIT, Bombay), 1995, in THeoretical Condensed Matter Physics.

Career History: 

Postdoctoral research:
(i) Humboldt fellow at the MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany, from 1996-1998.
(ii) Postdoctoral Fellow at Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany, from 1998-2003.
(iii) EPSRC Fellow at Loughbrough University, UK from 2004-2006
(iv) Visiting Scientist at MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany, from 2006-2009.
(v) Universitaets-Docent at Aachen University, Germany, from 2010-2011.
(vi) Visiting Scientist, Instt Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France, from 2012-2013.
Presently, I am an Associate Professor at IMSc, India

Courses Taught: 

I have taught Basic and Advanced Condensed Matter Physics and Mathematical Physics to students at IMSc during the last 4 years.

Selected publications: 

You can see almost all my publications, including those submitted ffor publication, on the cond-mat arXiv.